Keeping You Safe – We’re Good To Go

Keeping you safe 
As a result of the current pandemic Mainline Coaches have been working to ensure the safest possible way to travel by adhering to government cleanliness standards and ensuring strict social distancing guidelines are met. In addition to the regular cleaning after very use of all touch points in our vehicles, we also use a medical grade antivirus fogging system to fully cleanse our vehicles;
Covid – FAQs
- Q. Are you still open?
Yes, our office and depot remain fully open with our normal operational hours of 07:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday, and you can reach us via email and social media outside of these hours.
- Q. What contingency measures do you have in place to reduce the spread of the virus continues and protect passengers and staff?
At Mainline Coaches we are committed to proactively reducing the spread of any disease and maintain the health of our staff and passengers. As such we follow the Government guidance relating to our industry; we already had in place fully itemised and documented cleaning procedures. These are closely followed by all our staff for the preparation of our vehicles prior to and after the hire of our coaches. Our cleaning provider has confirmed the specific use of all cleaning chemicals for suitability and we have also introduced a new full vehicle “fog sanitising cleaning procedure” to ensure we reach the vehicle ventilation system.
- Q. How are you enforcing social distancing?
Your safety and the safety of our drivers is our number one focus, we have de-marked the seating which is prohibited using our bespoke signage. This provides not only the information on where you should and should not seat, but also provide information on the current guidelines.
- Q. How do you know that the people travelling on your buses are actually making an essential journey?
We’d urge everybody to follow the instructions on practise social distancing, wearing face coverings whist travelling and using hand sanitser. Some of our current clients are key-workers or companies needing to transport key workers whilst maintaining social distancing. This includes solutions where previously “car-sharing” was acceptable.
- Q. Are there any extra measures I should take whilst travelling?
If you are travelling with us, please pay attention to any instructions either on-board or provided by the driver including face coverings. In addition, please take care of your health and protect others by regularly and thoroughly cleaning your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water often and for at least 20 seconds.
- Q. Do you have hand sanitisers available on your coaches?
All of our vehicles are fitted with hand sanitising stations; our drivers are being given gloves or alcohol wipes and we encourage them to use these regularly. We’re also making sure that all areas that are likely to be touched by anyone on board, i.e. the hand poles, grab rails, seats etc, are being cleaned thoroughly and regularly. We ask that all customers work with us by following the NHS guidelines for hand washing/sanitising.
- Q. Is it true you’ve sent a lot of your drivers home?
Some of our drivers have been asked to stay home for now because the decrease in travel and reduced services means they don’t currently have day trips or touring work. However, as we have secured new contracts with clients, we have brought them back to provide key-worker transport. We also have staff who are not furloughing and as such can be called upon at short notice to help our clients who need a rapid solution to transport or travel. e.g. Inbound flights, short term contract, emergency situations etc.
- Q. Can we re-schedule our trip/journey
Yes, you can, please contact our sales team with your Private Hire or Date of travel and we will change for you immediately.
- Q. Can we book a coach during these times?
Yes, you can, we are open for business as normal and all our drivers and vehicles are ready to provide a great service like normal.